



IN REFUTING MR. OBAMA’S CLAIM that America is not

a Christian nation, we have often cited former presidents, (none

of whom ever made such an assertion), and we have referred to

quotes from our Founding Fathers – the men who established

America as a Christian nation on Judeo-Christian principles.

But perhaps we should have gone even further back into history,

to British scholar Robert Burton who wrote in 1621: “Columbus

did not find out America by chance, but God directed him at

that time to discover it; it was contingent to him, but

necessary to God.” That is just over 100 years after Columbus

discovered America; it’s difficult to go much further back than that.

So both history and current statistics make Mr. Obama’s claim

suspect. The most recent polls put America’s Christian population

at 80%, in round numbers, with about another 10% as non-believers

in any religion, and about 10% representing all other religions. As in

so many other matters, here also Mr. Obama is misinformed about

(or ignores) the facts.

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On November 20, 2009, 148 Evangelical Christian believers met in

Washington, DC, and signed a new statement of Christian moral

values called the "Manhattan Declaration." Within 24 hours the number

of signatures had reached 10,000 . . . within one week it had passed

100,000. And this was accomplished with little or no news coverage

or hardly any mention by the main line media. Essentially the project

was presented on the Internet. Today, just over 4 months later, the

number of signatures is nearing a half million.

Speaking of what has happened in those few months, the sponsors

this week wrote on the Internet: "It is nothing less than a miracle

that we have been able, with virtually no budget, to accumulate

in four or five months almost a half million signers. Some

organizations that have been working to build their lists for 30

years haven't done much better than that. God will continue to

do the miracles - and we will do our part as well. As the great

missionary William Carey said, 'Expect great things from God.

Attempt great things for God.' Thank God He is raising up

hundreds of thousands of Christians to draw a line in the sand at

this time of ominous challenge to the fundamental principles of

justice and truths of our faith - principles and truths which are

the very foundation of our nation and of every society that values

human dignity and the common good."

Now the plan is to accumulate, as soon as possible, one million

signatures, and then take the Declaration with those one million

signatures to a meeting with President Obama. To learn what you

can do, and how you can share in this project, go to this site:


At a time when all Christians recognize the need for action, this

question quickly arises: What can I do? Here is a practical and

effective answer to that question. We here were early signers of

the Manhattan Declaration, and will continue to actively support it.

The president's religious views at Easter and Passover.

President Obama used his weekly radio and Internet address on
Saturday, Easter eve, to promote some of the priorities on his political
agenda -- health insurance, unemployment and education -- but also
included some comments which might be considered spiritual in nature,
as he called on people of all faiths, including non-believers, to unite in a
"shared spirit of humanity." Mentioning both Easter and Passover,
he said, "While we worship in different ways, we also remember
the shared spirit of humanity that inhabits us all -- Jews and
Christians, Muslims and Hindus, believers and nonbelievers alike,"
and he urged: "let us hold fast to those aspirations we hold in
common as brothers and sisters, as members of the same family
-- the family of man." Just as his international political views have a
one-world goal, so his religious views seem to have a one religion (or
lack thereof) goal. Or as Greg Hengler asked in his Internet review: "Is
this the first American president to dechristianize Easter?"

In the light of Scripture, it is difficult to understand the attitude

of the Obama administration (including his Secretary of State -- see

note below) and their opposition to our long-time friend and ally, the

nation Israel. Consider God's word concerning Jerusalem: "I have

chosen Jerusalem that my name might be there ... I will defend

this city, to save it, for mine own sake ...at that time they shall

call Jerusalem the throne of the Lord; and all the nations shall

be gathered unto it, to the name of the Lord ... so you shall know

that I am the Lord your God, dwelling in Zion, my holy mountain:

then shall Jerusalem be holy and there shall be no strangers to

invade her any more." (II Chron 6:6; II Kings 19:34; Jer. 3:17;

Joel 3:17) And remember also, Psalm 122:6 where God said, "Pray

for the peace of Jerusalem." He did not say fight for, or negotiate

for, or barter for the peace of Jerusalem -- His instruction was to

pray for the peace of Jerusalem. And the eternal Jehovah God,

the creator and ruler of the universe, will see His promise concerning

Jerusalem fulfilled, "they shall prosper that love thee." (Ps. 122)

Concerning this unprecedented situation, US Rep. Mike Pence (R,IN)

said : "I never thought I'd live to see the day that an American

administration would denounce the Jewish state of Israel for

rebuilding Jerusalem." And Wesley Pruden (Editor Emeritus, the

Washington Times) said: "This is the moment a certain number of

a certain breed of Democrats have been waiting for. The latest

outburst of bad feeling between Barack Obama and Benjamin

Netanyahu can be the cover they seek for finally putting the Jews

in their place." It is indeed strange to see an American president

taking a firm and aggressive stand in opposition to the word of God.

And in the midst of all this mess are the views held by the Obama

Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton, who is often perceived as being

by-passed from the big jobs in foreign policy, perhaps due to her

former competitive animosity toward the president. But a look at the

areas where she is active shows a lot of messes of her own creation.

In March she helped fan the fires of tension between the US and

Israel over the building of new homes in East Jerusalem -- which

really wasn't a valid issue, since the work had already been planned.

But then, with no warning, Clinton delivered to Prime Minister

Netanyahu a 43 minute verbal attack, during which lecture she

termed the Israeli housing plans "deeply negative."

So between the actions of Obama and Clinton, America's long time

close relationship with Israel -- and God's chosen city, Jerusalem --

appear to be not only tenuous, but actually almost in danger of being

severed. More and more it is evident that the choice of American

voters has to be between the views of Barack Obama and the

traditional Christian views of the American people.

But amid all of Iran's threats to eliminate the nation Israel,

Conservative commentator Pat Buchanan offers these thoughtful

quotes: "Diplomacy has failed," said Sen. Chuck Schumer, (D,NY):

"Iran is on the verge of becoming nuclear and we cannot afford

that." "We have to contemplate the final option," said Sen. Evan

Bayh, (D,IN), "the use of force to prevent Iran from getting a

nuclear weapon." "War is a "terrible thing," said Sen. Lindsay

Graham, (R,SC), "but sometimes it is better to go to war than to

allow the Holocaust to develop a second time." ... Danielle Pletka

of the American Enterprise Institute, Neocon Central, writes, "The

only questions remaining, one Washington politico tells me, are

who starts it and how it ends. As to who starts it we know the

answer. Teheran has not started a war in memory and is not

going to launch a suicide attack on a superpower with thousands

of nuclear weapons. As with Iraq in 2003, the war will be

launched by the United States against a nation that did not

attack us -- to strip it of weapons it does not have."

Speaking to the slogan, "In November We Will Remember,"
Matt Staver of Liberty Counsel well expressed our views: "We will
remember the tyranny, the power grab, the overt manipulation,
the backroom deals, the closed-door sessions, the condescension
toward the American people, the disenfranchising of constituents,
the steamrolling of the legislative process, the subversion of the
Constitution, and the outright disregard of the rule of law. We
will not forget these events and the 111th Congress will quite
possibly go down as the most corrupt body of legislators in
U.S. history."

Our weekly reminder: Election Day, 2010, is Nov. 2 -- and is
now just 209 days away. Remember: every Representative in the
Congress and about one third of the Senators will be elected. This
will be our opportunity as Christians to make our voices heard.

And according to the most recent polls, most Americans feel the
same way. On the president's performance, 46% approve and 53%
disapprove. That same figure, 53%, applies also to the percentage
of voters who now trust Republicans more than Democrats -- the
president's party is more trusted by only 37%. And as for the new
health care reform law, 54% of American voters favor its repeal.
And while support for the outright repeal of Obamacare remains
strong, proponents of its un-constitutionality (state attorneys-general
and others) are also firm in their convictions, and supporters of the
10th Amendment equally strongly favor nullification by the states.
Concerning this approach, we are reminded of these words from
Thomas Jefferson in 1798: "Whensoever the General Government
assumes undelegated powers, its acts are unauthoritative, void,
and of no force." So we move toward the Nov. 2 elections with
the wind at our back.

Oh, and looking ahead to the elections of 2012, a new survey from
Public Policy Polling (PPP), a Democrat Party affiliated polling firm,
reports that Obama is tied, or holds only a very narrow lead over
two unannounced but possible Republican presidential candidates,
former Governors Mike Huckabee (R, AR) and Mitt Romney (R,
MA). If such an election were held today, it would be a toss-up --
Obama tied with Huckabee at 44% each, with Obama leading
Romney by only 46% - 44%. But in the race between Obama and
Romney, Obama lost the independent voters by 38% - 45%.

In each issue we select a few "What Others are Saying" quotes
for your information -- these aren't the quotes you are apt to find in the

liberal "main line" media -- but they do present some important opinions.

Robert Ringer -- "Once someone uses an abstract phrase such as

''the common good,'' it automatically puts them in one of two

categories: ignoramus or Marxist. There is no such thing as the

common good, because what is good for me may be bad for you,

and vice versa. Civilized people work to improve their own well-

being, and they do so while respecting the rights of others to do

the same."

Glenn Beck -- "The news that politicians are trying to erase

Christianity from the map isn't exactly shocking anymore – it’s

par for the course. And it's always the same bogus excuses:

separation of church and state, 'diversity', and tolerance."

Dr. Laurie Roth, (Canada Free Press): "When you look at Hitler,

Saul Alinsky, Stalin, Lenin, Chavez, Castro and others, you see

huge similarities with the strategy and world view of Obama.

It is the same, promise of health care, jobs and opportunities.

There is always a contrived crisis or two the big Government

has to magically solve, while blaming the enemies they want

to create."

And there are these interesting comments, from two TV talk
show hosts who used to have much larger audiences than they do
now -- first, from MSNBC's Chris Matthews, host of "Hardball"
on Mar. 29: “What are the Tea Partiers really angry about?
Health care reform, or the fact that it was an African American
President and a woman Speaker of the House who pushed
through major change?” In other words, if you are against
Obamacare, you are automatically a bigot; Mr. Matthews offers no
other option. And the other from another talk show host also from
MSNBC with an embarrassingly ever declining audience, Keith
Olbermann, on his program called "Countdown" on March 22: “If
racism is not the whole of the Tea Party, it is in its heart, along
with blind hatred, a total disinterest in the welfare of others, and
a full-flowered, self-rationalizing refusal to accept the outcomes
of elections, or the reality of democracy, or the narrowness of their
minds and the equal narrowness of their public support." Hmmm
-- Olbermann obviously doesn't read the polls which show that 54%
of American voters favor repeal of the new health care law, with only
42% opposing such repeal. And 48% of voters say that the average
Tea Party member is closer to their views than is President Obama.
One does wonder what kind of an uninformed environment Matthews
and Olbermann live in! And to add to their problems, David Shuster,
who appears regularly on the Matthews show, and often substitutes
for Olbermann, has now been "suspended indefinitely" from MSNBC.

An interesting comment from one of our readers: It isn't just

lawyers, news agencies and people in positions of authority who are

concerned over the Obama cloak of secrecy about his birth, education,

religion, health, etc ... it is also ordinary people, like one of our readers

who sent us an email to remind us that the president's wife, Michelle,

speaking at the LGBT (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans-sexual) Delegate

luncheon hosted by Barney Frank at the Democrat convention, spoke

of the family's visit to Mr. Obama's "home country" of Kenya, and our

reader notes that she didn't refer to Hawaii or Indonesia as his "home

country," but did assign that designation to Kenya, in Africa. And our

reader pointed out the dictionary definition of "home country" as "the

country in which a person was born and usually raised, regardless

of the present country of residence and citizenship." Like we said:

an interesting comment from one of our readers.

And just a few good "One Liners" . . .

Steven Ertelt: "As the Gospels tell us, Jesus was betrayed for

30 pieces of silver by one of this disciples .... In a similar way,

the pro-life movement experienced a similar betrayal by people

who they regarded as friends and allies."

Kevin McCullough: "Mr. President your assertions and

statements in this week's radio address were either grotesquely

ignorant or purposefully dishonest. Which was it sir?"

Leo Nikolaevich Tolstoy (1892): "The more is given the less

the people will work for themselves, and the less they work the

more their poverty will increase."

Some Random Afterthoughts ...

A new Nobel Prize has been suggested; this time for Idiocy, based

on this comment by Newsweek's Howard Fineman to MSNBC's

Keith Olbermann, during the live coverage of the signing of the health

care reform bill: “You know, Keith, I really think Barack Obama

could finish the year with not just one Nobel Prize, but three. This

health care bill is bound to save literally millions of lives, and the

legislative language itself is a masterpiece. Given the good sense

of the Norwegians, I think the President could easily win the

Nobels for medicine and literature this year.”

But Eleanor Clift, writing in Newsweek, ran a close second: her

comment: “Remember when right-wingers talked about putting

Ronald Reagan’s likeness on Mount Rushmore? Now with health

care reform passed and conservatism in the dustbin of history, I

propose the commemoration on Rushmore of none other than

Barack Obama. Imagine a future Black Hills eagle, perched atop

giant, empathetic ears of granite, approvingly surveying a land

our 44th President did so much to heal.” (Well, she got the part

about the giant ears right.)

Some goings-on in Washington do make you wonder! Under its
"Energy Star" program, whose announced goal is to promote the
development and use of energy saving products, a federal government
agency has been slapping "energy-efficient" ratings on products that
don't even exist. These fake products were submitted to the EPA
(Environmental Protection Agency) and the Department of Energy for
approval as part of an undercover investigation by the GAO, the
Government Accountability Office. The GAO wanted to see how
easily the feds could be fooled. The Energy Star program serves as
a guide to businesses looking for such products to produce, and also
to qualify for millions of dollars under the Obama stimulus program.
Of the 20 products submitted for approval, 15 were approved, even
though the companies didn't exist. The GAO report said the fact that
it could so easily fool the government agency shows that the Energy
Star fails to provide valid assurance for manufacturers or consumers.

In case TV ratings matter to you -- the ratings of CNN, once a

major TV news source, continued on their downward slide during

the first quarter of 2010. The New York times reported that Larry

King's show took a 43% drop, with viewers falling to just over

700,000, way down from an average of 1.3 million last year. And

Anderson Cooper's prime time show lost 42% of viewers. Meantime,

Fox News saw its best ratings ever, with Glenn Beck's show growing

by 50% and Bill O'Reilly's audience increasing by 28%.

Three quotes from our Founding Fathers, still applicable today:

"It is the duty of all Nations to acknowledge the providence of

Almighty God, to obey his will, to be grateful for his benefits,

and humbly to implore his protection and favors."

-- George Washington, 1789

"The aim of every political constitution is, or ought to be, first

to obtain for rulers men who possess most wisdom to discern,

and most virtue to pursue, the common good of the society;

and in the next place, to take the most effectual precautions for

keeping them virtuous whilst they continue to hold their public

trust." -- James Madison, 1788

"If it be asked, What is the most sacred duty and the greatest
source of our security in a Republic? The answer would be, An
inviolable respect for the Constitution and Laws -- the first
growing out of the last. ... A sacred respect for constitutional
law is the vital principle, the sustaining energy of a free
government." -- Alexander Hamilton, 1794

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