
And today we welcome a new voice for the Conservative Evangelical
The Bible has much to say about weather conditions -- for example, drought
There is a great temptation -- one to which many sincere students of the Bible
For the Christian, anticipating the promised and imminent return of the Lord, the
The "unconstitutional" National Day of Prayer is under discussion
Naturally, for Christians such an action, even by just one US District judge is
Wisconsin will have no effect on this year's National Day of Prayer on May 6
Tony Perkins, of American Family Council, well expressed the Christian position
Libyan leader Muammar Gaddfi seems to know about Obama's birthplace,
and he speaks of the American president as being a friend, and as being a blessing
Amid the discussions about Justice Stevens and his replacement, these
In 1789, Ben Franklin penned his often quoted maxim: "In this world nothing
"One Liners" continue to say a lot in just a few words.
"I weep as I witness outrageous verbal attacks on Israel. What makes these verbal
assaults and distortions all the more painful is that they are being orchestrated by
President Obama." -- Ed Koch
"We have to pass the bill so that you can find out what is in it." -- Nancy Pelosi
"...the financial world is on the wrong track ...we may be hurtling towards an even
bigger boom and bust than in the credit crisis..." -- Democrat financier George Soros
"The will of the majority means nothing to this president." -- Kyle-Anne Shiver
"When Sen. Chuck Schumer says, 'It's just about a certainty that the president will
nominate someone in the mainstream,' think left bank." -- Jan LaRue
And there is much to be learned from noting "What others are saying," because
you will not find comments like these in the main-line media, either press or TV . . .
Michael Steele: "The Founders never intended government to be an industry,
a means to reward political supporters with jobs and wealth, or the ultimate
monopoly which drives private enterprise into the ground and plunders the wealth
of its citizens. The government exists to protect our freedoms, not make us servants
of socialist masters. Let's take back our government."
Floyd and Mary Beth Brown: "Liberal critics derided President Bush for engaging
in cowboy diplomacy, or 'going alone.' Those same critics neglect to notice that
Obama is employing a more dubious strategy than Bush. Obama has pursued a
confused and aimless foreign policy based on the idea that he can personally sway
foreign heads of state with his charisma. Unfortunately for our nation his 'follow
Ralph Peters (in the New York Post): "Jeez, this guy is good. A few years back,
Congressman Randy Forbes (R, VA): "The federal judge’s decision to call the
National Day of Prayer unconstitutional represents a movement we are seeing
Bishop David Anderson (American Anglican Church): "Have you noticed the
A Few Random Afterthoughts . . .
First, don't forget our weekly reminder -- Nov. 2 is election day, now just 195
In case you were wondering about CNN's slippage in the TV ratings . . . Rick
Sanchez, one CNN's news anchors and a frequent guest on other CNN shows,
Speaking to that sort of viewpoint, Sammy Benoit (in "Yid with Lid") commented,
"You have to give the global warming moonbats some credit, they are very
Some slightly different news from California -- out here on America's
This news item may help explain some of Senator Chuck Schumer's actions:
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