
bit of news which we would like to share with our readers,
whom we have come to think of as our friends. Just a few
days ago, our Senior Editor underwent eye surgery, and as
of this date is still functioning on a "one and one half eye"
basis. Obviously this does not permit the research required
to maintain our level of analysis and commentary. Thus we
offer this week just a very brief 3 point commentary, and
hope to resume as usual next week. Thank you for your
understanding and your prayers, if you feel so inclined.
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In trying to develop a brief, three point analysis of current events,
one logically turns to some of the great three word descriptions
which have been used in the past. One such group of words which
comes to mind is the title of the 1996 Italian film on the US Civil
War, "The Good, the Bad and the Ugly." That phrase seems to cut
across just about every aspect of our life in today's world.
But since we have to include the Obama administration in any such
contemporary analysis, it does seem a bit crude to use the term
"Ugly," although that is how the president usually describes America.
So, we prefer to substitute the equally applicable word "Hilarious"
in place of "Ugly." So we end up with these three words, "The Good,
the Bad and the Hilarious."
Point One -- the Good: Oddly enough, this was the most difficult
example to find. There did not seem to be anything really "Good"
in today's news to analyze and discuss. But as we examined our
many news sources, one great "Good" was clearly evident. And
fellow Christians -- it involved us! The great all-permeating "Good"
demonstrated in so many parts of our world this week is certainly
the response of churches and Christian organizations in trying to
meet the needs of millions who have been devastated by earthquakes,
tsunamis, typhoons and floods which have wrought havoc in the
Philippines, India, Samoa, Indonesia and Viet Nam ... plus the effects
of the worst drought in decades in the Sudan.
Literally armies of relief workers, and thousands of tons of supplies
have been been on-site, to relieve human suffering, save lives, and
thus demonstrate the acceptance of the service responsibilities on
the part of world Christendom.
So let us thank God for this practical, effective demonstration of
the Christian spirit of concern for our fellow man, world-wide.
Point Two -- the Bad: From the viewpoint of American Christians,
this was the easy one to decide upon.The undebatable example of
"Bad" was the announcement by the President of the National
Association of Evangelicals (NAE) favoring a program of amnesty
for illegal aliens. The announcement came as Rev. Leith Anderson,
the NAE president, testified on request of Senator Charles Schumer,
(D, NY) in the Senate Immigration Committee's hearing to push
Schumer's effort to create amnesty legislation for illegals in this
session of Congress. Clearly, the NAE is no longer what it was
founded to be, nor what it was for many years. The name could
well be changed to "National Association of Neo-Evangelicals." It
is certainly not today the organization we remember under Clyde
Taylor and J. Elwyn Wright.
Anderson's testimony was a hodge-podge of conflicting statements,
but the greatest damage is for the world to think that these views are
representative of the true Evangelical Christian believers in America.
When Schumer asked him if there had been any dissent among the
members, Anderson said that the 75 member Board was absolutely
uniform in their decision. Anderson said that: "Evangelicals do not
condone law breaking ... borders are necessary for public order."
Then he told Schumer that the Gospel requires that Christians forgive
aliens for breaking immigration laws, adding these words: "The process
of redemption and restitution is core to Christian beliefs, as we were
all once lost and redeemed through love of Jesus Christ."
To cap that mystifying theological application, Anderson expressed
agreement by the 75 "Evangelical leaders" that immigration laws that
have allowed legal immigration to soar from a traditional average of
250,000 a year to more than 1,000,000 a year are too strict and must
be changed to allow many more foreign workers to enter. You have
to shake your head in wonderment!
Point Three -- the Hilarious: No competition on this point; easily
the most hilarious event of the past week was the award of the Nobel
Peace Prize to Barack Hussein Obama. First, there is one element of
spelling which must be cleared up: The award is called the "Nobel"
prize, not the "Noble" prize. Be very sure of this fact -- there is not
anything "Noble" about this award.
But the really hilarious aspect was emphasized in Obama's response
to the early morning wake-up call. From the White House release of
the transcript: "To be honest, (well, that would be nice!) I do not feel
that I deserve to be in the company of so many of the transformative
figures who've been honored by this prize -- men and women who've
inspired me and inspired the entire world through their courageous
pursuit of peace."
Let's see: that list of inspiring figures would include in the past few
years Al Gore, Jimmy Carter, Kofi Annan, Yasser Arafat, Mikhail
Gorbachev and Desmond Tutu. Ask yourself: are these the people
to whom the President of the United States should be turning for
inspiration? It really would be hilarious -- if it weren't so serious
and frightening.
Oh, yes . . . another hilarious aspect is the national and international
reaction to the award. It has been quite difficult to find any meaningful
favorable reactions from liberals or conservatives ... from Christian
or from non-religious. George Stephanopoulos, almost a member of
the White House cheer leading team, described it neatly; "The president
has essentially gotten the world's biggest, most elaborate fruitcake
from a wealthy aunt he can't afford to offend. You can't return it, you
can't re-gift it. You just gotta make the best of it..."
Naturally UN Secretary General Ban Kin-moon loved it: "This is great
news for President Obama, for the people of the United States and
for the United Nations." And former Polish President and Nobel Peace
Prize winner Lech Walesa said, "So soon? This is too soon. He has not
yet made a real input ... this is probably an encouragement for him
to act." And for a Christian reaction, Bill Donohue, president of the
Catholic League for Religious and Civil Rights, commented: "Unlike
another Nobel Peace Prize Winner, Mother Teresa, who said abortion
was 'the greatest destroyer of peace,' Obama has never indicated that
abortion undermines the cause of peace. Indeed, he champions
abortion as if it were a sacred right." Oh yes ... the "NAE" thought the
award was deserved because Obama is all for nuclear disarmament.
And after that concise, 3 word analysis of current events,
here is an equally concise word for today from one of our Founding
Fathers: “God governs in the affairs of man. And if a sparrow cannot
fall to the ground without his notice, is it probable that an empire can
rise without His aid? We have been assured in the Sacred Writings that
except the Lord build the house, they labor in vain that build it. I
firmly believe this. I also believe that, without His concurring aid, we
shall succeed in this political building no better than the builders of
Babel” -- Benjamin Franklin, 1787
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