
we have no choice but to once again express
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Let's do that ourselves -- pause and reconsider.
We are America, we are Americans, the people
whose views the Senators and Representatives
in Washington (all 535 of them) are supposed
to represent. But in case you haven't noticed:
they don't.
So first, let's examine the situation that we face
right now, try to ascertain just what it entails,
and then make some recommendations as to
what we as Christians can do toward solving
the problems, and reclaiming this country for
God and the Christian faith.
To get started on making an analysis, more
than once we have said that this is called the
"Age of Polls." In some respects, such as
elections, advance polls are meaningless; the
only poll that counts is the actual vote count
after the election is over. But when the election
is past, and the new officials or the new
government is in power -- polls should be a
directive or at least offer guidance for the
office-holders who are now in control.
And right now -- TODAY -- the polls are not
at all unclear. But those people whom we sent
to Washington to represent us don't seem to
grasp the fact that across this country the
American people do not like what is happening
in Washington.
Last week we cited several polls which indicate
that the Obama honeymoon is on its way to
being over. This week the same trend continues,
with particular emphasis on the biggest mistake
the Obama administration has yet attempted --
"Obamacare," their government-run, socialized
health care plan. Polls report that more than
85% of the American people are pleased with
their health insurance coverage. An NBC-Wall
Street Journal poll reports that 42% oppose the
Obama plan with only 35% supporting it. (That
same poll reports that 39% feel we are headed
in the right direction, with 49% feeling we are
on the wrong track.) A NY Times-CBS poll
shows that 59% do not think the plan will help,
while only 31% think it will help them.
On one issue important to Christians, despite
all efforts by Republicans and Conservative
Democrats to amend the proposed bill, the
Liberals have forced funding for abortions to
be included, which means that your tax
dollars, whether you like it or not, will be
funding abortions to kill millions more babies.
As the August recess was beginning, the overall
national opinion on the proposed health care
bill was 47% in favor and 51% opposed. What
is needed is for the lawmakers to hear from and
respond to the opinions of their constituents.
THIS IS IMPORTANT: despite the efforts
of Republicans and "Blue Dog" (Conservative)
Democrats, the Obama, Pelosi and Reid team
is determined to force this issue to a final vote
as soon as Congress returns from the August
recess. While your Representatives are at home,
get word to them that you do not want this plan
which will result in rationed health care, spiraling
costs and along with reductions in Medicare, it
even provides for an official in Washington to
decide at what age health care for seniors
would cease to be available. This might be
considered a form of government sponsored
euthanasia. So talk to your representatives on
home ground, and send them back to vote NO.
And one question to ask your representatives:
if Obamacare is such a wonderful plan, and
good for the American people, why isn't it
good enough for members of Congress,
Senators and Representatives and their families,
the President, Vice President and their families?
In other words: if Congress applies this new
plan to all the American people, then it is
reasonable that all members of Congress
would accept the same level of coverage for
themselves and their families. They all have
the finest of health care plans which Senator
Dodd spoke about this past week when he
announced his upcoming surgery for prostate
cancer. It IS a good question -- and one they
just don't like to answer.
President Obama doesn't fare much better
than health care in the latest public opinion
polls, with Rasmussen polls giving him a 47%
favorable score, and a 51% negative score.
And the Congressional leaders don't score very
high, either. Nancy Pelosi, the multi-millionaire
Speaker of the House, from San Francisco,
continues to hold a 57% unfavorable score,
against a 35% favorable score. But her "very
unfavorable" rating of 45% holds a 5 to 1 rank
over her "very favorable" rating of 9%. In the
Senate, Majority Leader Harry Reid is favored
by 26% and rated unfavorable by 48%. (26%
didn't know enough about him to express an
opinion.) Reid's "very unfavorable" rating of
30% far outweighs his "very favorable" rating
of 3%. (Rasmussen Daily Poll figures.)
And, oh yes -- it is reported that 120 million
doses of the new "swine flu" vaccine will be
available this Fall for the 160 million who will
"qualify" for the vaccine. But seniors have
been left off the list of the "qualified" people
-- this is seen as part of the Obamacare intent
to "minimize" health care for the elderly.
So we do have a problem in Washington.
Consider what some insiders there are saying;
you might think of these as "mini-editorials."
"'Washington is broken,'Obama lamented
on the campaign trail. Yet, under President
Obama, the business of Washington is
booming. The collapse of the Era of
'Hope'nChangeyness' demonstrates the first
and last law of political physics: as the
government grows, corruption flows."
-- Michelle Malkin
"President Obama is using a familiar tactic
to sell his plan to completely overhaul the
best health care system in the world – fear!
He knows that no one will support his socialist
scheme unless he can convince America that
there is a health care “crisis.” There is no
health care crisis! Polls show that 84% of
Americans are “very satisfied” or “satisfied”
with the health care they currently receive.
But you aren’t hearing that from the liberal
media." - David Martin, Media Research Ctr.
“Unfortunately, the idea of America has died
and it’s been replaced by another political
entity called the United States, which in
essence is no different from the 200 other
countries spread across the globe.”
--Doug Casey, founder and chairman of
Casey Research, and one of many experts
who believe American capitalism is dead.
"The $787 billion stimulus bill has done zip
to stimulate the economy. Less than 10 %
of the money has gone out the door, which
makes one wonder why it was called a stimulus
package. Unemployment is at 9.5 percent, well
above what the Obamaites predicted, and is
rising...Things are not going Obama's way.
He is 10 points below where Nixon was after
a full year, and on economic issues –
unemployment, the deficit, spending – he is
under 50 percent. This presidency is not yet
in trouble, but it is sure headed that way."
-- Pat Buchanan in Human Events
Without a quote from others, the picture is clear.
This week, for a change, we offer a special
"one-liner," and place it here, rather than in
"Afterthoughts" where it usually appears: "It
should be clear that the same warning notice
must be placed on The ObamaCare Plan as
on a pack of cigarettes: Consuming this
product will be hazardous to your health."
(Dave Janda, M.D.)
But enough of outlining some of the details
of the current situation in our nation. (We may
yet touch on a few items in "Afterthoughts.")
But what can we -- as Christians -- do to solve
some of these problems which confront us?
The first step is admitting there is a problem,
and facing the fact that as a nation we made a
major mistake last November. It is evident that
some Evangelical Christians swayed by the glib
promises of "change you can believe in" and
swept up in the "yes, we can" frenzy, actually
did vote for Obama.
That we have a problem here is evident in so
many ways. Take the Inaugural Oath -- before
the TV cameras, and with his hand on the Bible,
there were some word problems. To be sure
the oath had been taken, the next day there was
a private oath taking with the Chief Justice, but
this time, out of sight of the public, there was
no hand on the Bible.
Then the next day the Obama staff posted the
goals of the new administration. The list reads
like a litany of anti-Christian projects, focusing
on sexual perversion, including:
1) Defeat all state and federal constitutional
efforts to limit marriage to being, as in the Bible
view, a union between one man and one woman.
2) Repeal the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA)
signed into law.by Bill Clinton.
3) Repeal the military's "Don't Ask, Don't Tell"
4) Pass "hate crimes" legislation to provide
homosexuals special rights denied to other
Americans, and even silencing any criticism
of homosexuality as being unbiblical.
5) Pass the Employment Non-Discrimination
Act (ENDA) which would force business
owners to abandon traditional values.
6) Create intentionally motherless and fatherless
homes by expanding "gay adoption."
Plus -- expand access to abortion by enacting
FOCA, the Freedom of Choice Act, using tax
dollars to help pay for it.
Then on the president's first overseas trip he
told a Muslim audience that America was not
a Christian nation, and bragged that we were
one of the largest Muslim nations in the world,
on a percentage of population basis. The truth
is that America ranks somewhere around 20th
in such a comparison with other nations.
And in negating the Christian influence of our
Founding Fathers, he said in his broadcast to
Muslims from Cairo in June: “I know that Islam
has always been a part of America’s story. . .
And since our founding, American Muslims
have enriched the United States.” But here
are the facts:
1) Muslims have not always been important in
the story of America.
2) No Muslims of record took part in the
Revolutionary War.
3)No Muslims of record fought in the Civil War.
4) No Muslims were numbered among the ranks
of U.S. soldiers in World War I.
5) No Muslims of record served the U.S. military
in World War II or the Korean Conflict.
6) Muslims became a sizeable and significant
element only after 1965 – thanks to the revised
Immigration and Naturalization Act. (Paul L.
Williams, Ph.D., thelastcrusade.org)
Thus it is evident that as Christians we do have
some problems. This we can do: (1) We can
pray for God to give wisdom to the president
in dealing with present day problems in an
American way, based on Judeo-Christian
principles. (2) We can get in touch with our
Representatives and our Senators and tell them
what we want them to do on current issues. (3)
We can keep informed and be ready to elect
candidates who are honest Conservatives in the
next election.
This quote has never been more applicable:
"The only thing necessary for evil to triumph is
for good men to do nothing." -- Attributed to
Edmund Burke, 18th century.
In 1791, an early American scholar, Thomas
Paine wrote an analysis of intrusive government
that merits our review amid present happenings:
"If, from the more wretched parts of the old
world, we look at those which are in an
advanced stage of improvement, we still find
the greedy hand of government thrusting itself
into every corner and crevice of industry, and
grasping the spoil of the multitude. Invention
is continually exercised, to furnish new
pretenses for revenues and taxation. It watches
prosperity as its prey and permits none to
escape without tribute." --Thomas Paine, in
"Rights of Man," 1791
Some Random Afterthoughts . . .
Adding to the "one liner" above, here are a
few more from this week's research. As we often
point out, they do say a lot in just a few words:
"It should now be clear to all Americans: Hope
and Change came to the White House wrapped
in brass knuckles." (Michelle Malkin)
"The 20th century may have been the American
Century. The 21st shows another pattern."
(Pat Buchanan)
"With hurricanes, tornados, fires out of control,
mud slides, flooding,severe thunderstorms
tearing up the country from end to another, and
with the threat of bird flu and terrorist attacks,
are we sure this is a good time to take God out
of the Pledge of Allegiance?" (Jay Leno)
On the Passing of Icons. "Some have labeled
the summer of 2009, the Summer of the
Celebrity Death Watch, and one could
successfully argue the point. Ed McMahon,
Karl Malden, Farrah Fawcett, Billy Mays,
David Carradine, Koko Taylor, Fred Travalena
and, most notably, Michael Jackson – to name
but a few off the top of my head – have all
passed away over the course of June and July...
It is the caliber of those we have elevated to
iconic status that exposes just how superficial
our American culture has become..." (Frank
Salvato, Managing Editor, New Media Journal)
As an attendee of Michael Jackson's funeral said,
"He's our prince, he's our king." While the never
ending news coverage of the event seemed to
approach being intolerable, it revealed mankind's
longing for a "savior." No matter how sick or
disturbed Jackson was, or what personal problems
he had, to many he was and is a god. The longing
is obviously real.
One Man's Opinion: "I wrote months ago
that Obama was an empty suit, and even
stated that he was possessed of an U.S. hating,
socialist vision. His ignorance is obscene, yet
the 'smartest brains in the room,' the so called
mainstream media, fawns at his feet because
he can read a teleprompter...In six months
Obama has done more to destroy the United
States than all wars in its two hundred year
history combined." - Col. Bob Pappas, USMCR
The Obama theory of international affairs,
and the results of its initial application. Acting
in line with his own interpretation of JFK's "Let
us never negotiate out of fear. But let us never
fear to negotiate," President Obama has tried
his own concept of personal diplomatic
negotiation with a few of our nation's less friendly
international neighbors. The results have been
unfortunately quite uniform. In Iran, the newly
re-elected President Ahmadinejad recently said:
"As soon as the new government is established,
with power and authority, ten times more than
before, it will enter the global scene and will
bring down the global arrogance," Iran has
also had a share in Russia's response to the
Obama approach, as for the first time, Russia
and Iran have announced plans to hold joint naval
maneuvers in the Caspian Sea, to include at least
30 Russian and Iranian ships. And across the
world, North Korea reacted in an even more
dramatic manner, firing more missiles in a Easterly
direction, on a course which could deliver their
bombs to Hawaii and even the American mainland.
And closest to home, after his comradely meeting
with President Obama in Trinidad, Venezuela’s
strongman President Chávez has his sights set on
an extended stay in executive office well beyond
the possibilities of even a second Obama
administration. To further his adopted theme of
“socialism for the 21st Century,” Chávez is
reported as using Venezuela’s oil wealth to fund
his socialist plans at home and lavish subsidies
for the like-minded leaders in Cuba, Bolivia and
Nicaragua. He advocates establishing Latin
America’s independence from U.S. overseas
influence and fosters establishment of a global,
anti-American union with Iran, Russia and others.
A few more important subjects we didn't
have time or space to comment on this week,
but which we will discuss in detail next week:
1) Some "stimulus funds" (those are your tax
dollars) being used to fund porno art projects.
2) Dan Rather, who ended a great career under
a cloud, urging Obama to appoint a press czar.
3) Two Episcopal dioceses considering gay and
lesbian candidates for bishops under new rules.
4) Is it time to quit asking for Obama's birth
certificate, and his other undisclosed records?
5) Bill Clinton follows Jimmy Carter's example
by going on an intervention visit to North Korea.
6) Wasn't racism the ignored topic at the "beer
summit" at the White House last week?
7) Increased Muslim persecution of Christians
in Pakistan.
Thomas Winter, Editor-in-Chief of "Human
Events," had this to say about the Founding
Fathers whom we quote so frequently: "Tom
Brokaw labeled the World War II generation
the 'Greatest Generation' -- but he was wrong.
That honor belongs to the Founders -- the men
who pledged their lives, fortunes, and sacred
honor for the cause of liberty, and who
established the United States. This was a
generation without equal, and it deserves to be
rescued from the politically correct textbooks,
teachers, and professors who want to dismiss
the Founders as a cadre of dead, white, sexist,
slave-holding males." And we agree!
Another Founding Father applicable quote:
"The ordaining of laws in favor of one part of
the nation, to the prejudice and oppression of
another, is certainly the most erroneous and
mistaken policy. An equal dispensation of
protection, rights, privileges, and advantages,
is what every part is entitled to, and ought to
enjoy." -- Benjamin Franklin, 1774
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