Wednesday, February 15, 2012 of our 10th year of publication
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From one of our great presidents, a thought for today and years to come:
“Without God there is no virtue because there is no prompting of the
conscience … without God there is a coarsening of the society;
without God democracy will not and cannot long endure…
America needs God more than God needs America.
If we ever forget that we are One Nation Under God,
then we will be a Nation gone under.”
President Ronald Reagan, 1984
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As our regular readers are well aware, we close each issue of ANC with quotes
from our nation's Founding Fathers for two reasons: [1] they were wise men,
and their vision for America went far beyond the time in which they spoke, and
[2] their words remind us of the kind of a nation they were establishing, which is
something we may tend to forget in the busy pace of 21st century life.
Today's issue will once again close with some of those quotes, but we will also
begin this issue with some statements from those leaders concerning perhaps the
most important issue confronting us as American Christians today. From James
Madison, in 1785: "Religion is the basis and Foundation of Government."
And from John Adams in 1812: "Nothing is more dreaded than the national
government meddling with religion."
The primary subject for concern this week is the attempted attack by the Obama
administration on the First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution -- which, by way
of reminder, states: "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment
of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof ..." Apparently Mr. Obama
takes the position that he is not subject to any such restraint.
And in support of those concerns, Dr. Michael Milton, Chancellor of Reformed
Theological Seminary, wrote last week: "All other freedoms are grounded in
the fundamental freedom to worship God as we understand it, and to
assemble freely to do so." And to bring this issue into sharpest focus, Brent
Bozell, President of Media Research Center, expressed it in these words: "The
Obama administration is waging war on Christianity. Somehow, the
networks haven't seen this as newsworthy."
At issue is the Obama administration's mandate that would force members
of Christian faiths whose religious beliefs oppose birth control and abortion, to
take part in the provision of such procedures. Siding with Mr. Obama, Senator
Barbara Boxer (D, CA) tried to make it an issue of "medicine," saying: "It's
medicine and women deserve their medicine." [Senator Boxer needs to
understand that children aren't a disease, and the pill is not the cure. Medicine
is prescribed to treat illnesses--and pregnancy isn't one of them.]
On the other side of the Senate aisle, Senator Kelly Ayotte (R, NH) said, "This
is not a women’s rights issue. This is a religious liberty issue." And Senator
Marco Rubio (R, FL) said, "The issue is not contraception, but whether the
government of the United States should have the power to go in and tell a
faith-based organization that they have to pay for something that they teach
their members shouldn’t be done. It’s that simple. And if the answer is yes,
then this government can reach all kinds of other absurd results."
And Timothy Lee, of the Center for Individual Freedom, summarized it this way,
"Freedom of religion is a Constitutional right. Indeed, it is our nation's most
foundational right. In contrast, the convenience of government-mandated
free contraceptives from religious institutions in violation of their fundamental
theology is not. Those two basic truths settle the merits of this week's sudden
collision between the Obama Administration and religious institutions."
But we all know how this flare-up ended, or seemed to end. The Obama White
House and its sycophantic main stream media [remember, sycophant is described
in the dictionary as "a self seeking, servile flatterer, a fawning parasite"] used
all the words in its book of spin words, called the president's solution a "compromise,"
an "adjustment," an "accommodation" and similar. In fact, the president realized that
he had gone too far ... that he was not just attacking Catholic beliefs, but widely held
Christian beliefs, making his mandate a literal attack on the First Amendment's right
of freedom of religion. Now when the mandate takes effect in August 2013, women
will still get the free much-objected-to-coverage, but the religious organizations won't
have to pay for it. Instead, insurance companies will have to provide the service
directly to the employees at no cost. No cost? Who is the president kidding? We,
the general public, will pay for the coverage through increased insurance premiums
across the board.
The Obama "compromise" was not well received by religious leaders. William Donahue,
head of the Catholic League spoke of the mandate as “the most serious infringement
by the federal government on the rights of Catholics and others in 200 years ...
Quite frankly, he’s adding insult to injury. He must think the Catholics are stupid.”
But this is one instance where the "Main Stream Media" got it right. CBS News chief
Washington correspondent, Bob Schieffer, said the White House folded on the issue,
calling it a "political blunder." And even Washington Post editor, Melinda
Henneberger, said on MSNBC: “Maybe the Founders were wrong to guarantee
free exercise of religion in the First Amendment but that is what they did and I
don’t think we have to choose here.” And in the site, Godfather Politics, there
was this hard hitting summation, "The President’s latest attack on the American
people by mandating that employers cover contraception is a blatant attack on
the Constitution and the freedom of ALL Americans, not just those who hold a
particular religious view on contraception. His so-called compromise that
insurance companies pay for birth control pills is one of the most audacious
power grabs in the history of government. What’s next?"