For a starter, we are continuing our discussion of
the four basic points of emphasis for "Moral Majority,"
the program which brought so many Christians to the
point of making their influence -- and their vote --
count in the American political scene. We have dealt
with the first two -- pro-life and pro-family; this
week we take a look at the third, pro-defense. That
leaves the last one, pro-Israel, for next week.
Ronald Reagan was the first American president
who was elected on the basis of the voted expression
of the nation's Moral Majority. In developing the
program, America's Evangelical leader, Jerry Falwell,
believed that the majority of Americans really put
moral values first. That he was right was proved by
Ronald Reagan being elected by the largest public
vote and the largest electoral college vote in history.
"Speak softly and carry a big stick," is an old
West African proverb which became the statement
of president "Teddy" Roosevelt's ideas of America's
role in maintaining peace in our world. Years later,
president Ronald Reagan used the same ideological
viewpoint in his program to ensure a world at peace.
There were sharp contrasts in the "pro-defense"
policies of presidents Reagan and Clinton -- as the
Clinton administration presided over a severe down-
sizing of the US military, dangerously weakening the
armed forces, under-funding them and spreading
them thinner around the world than any president
had ever done before. Our intelligence services also
suffered under Clinton's presidency, and although
warned that without adequate funding the CIA could
not supply the White House with current, accurate
intelligence, Clinton disregarded the CIA's requests
for more funding.
Reagan did go beyond mere "speaking softly," and
used the military at least three times in combat -- in
Granada, Libya and Lebanon. -- the last of which
was recognized by the president as a mistake, and
as one of the worst decisions of his presidency.
Today, America is involved in the "big stick"
aspect of the Roosevelt philosophy, waging major
wars on two fronts. The next president of the United
States will be faced with reaching the conclusion of
these two wars, and with maintaining the "pro-defense"
policy advocated and demonstrated by presidents
Roosevelt and Reagan, restoring the "speak softly"
aspect, but not abandoning the "big stick" approach
where necessary. Our choice of the next president
should be based on which one has the knowledge
and experience to best handle this challenge.
And in the religious side of the news, the Anglican
Lambeth Conference continues, and among other
subjects, the Evangelical aspect has been included,
so-to-speak. A "token Evangelical," Brian McLaren,
was chosen to address the Lambeth Congress on the
subject of evangelism. McLaren was an interesting
choice. He is on the Board of the Sojourners
Movement, and a founding member of Red Letter
Christians, and is perhaps best known as pastor of
an "Emergent" church. "Emergent" is described as a
loosely knit group of people... disillusioned with the
institutional church of today ... creative, energetic,
youthful ... cynical, disorganized, immature...
emphasizing interfaith dialogue rather than verbal
evangelism. In his address to the Conference, he
urged the bishops to avoid being caught up in what
he called the church's "outward mission of forming
disciples among all people." That would seem to
be included in the "red letter" directives of Jesus.
Along this line, the American Episcopal church had
developed a "Messaging strategy" with talking points,
such as: "In Christ we seek justice, love, mercy,
heal creation and end poverty. And this is hard
work." So is gospel preaching -- world evangelism.
Running alongside all the internal tensions besetting
the Anglican Communion, is the continuing dialog
with the Pope and the steps toward closer affinity
with the Roman Catholic church. Cardinal Murphy-
O'Connor, Archbishop of Westminster and a key
Roman Catholic spokesman in Britain, said this
week, "Our church takes no pleasure at all to
see the present strains in your communion -- we
have committed ourselves to a journey towards
unity, so tensions only slow the process. Our
ecumenical journey has in the end to be a
journey towards full communion."
There is so much more of the same. The openly
homosexual bishop Robinson has rejected the call
for him to resign. With the Conference already some
$2 million or more in debt, the American church is
gaining more influential power daily, as the probable
source of funds to pay off the Lambeth indebtedness.
Two views of the Conference, (1) from the Rt.
Rev. Tom Wright, Bishop of Durham, a senior
Church of England figure "All sorts of forces have
built up over the years ... misunderstandings
and people doing things differently ...It's been
like a slow-moving train wreck."
Wright said that the presence of American bishops,
who were involved in the consecration of homosexual
bishop Gene Robinson, was proving divisive. "A lot
of people here have a lot of questions about why
the Americans are here."
And (2) a high profile Vatican Official, Cardinal Ivan
Dias, told the Conference that the Anglican
Communion is suffering from "spiritual Alzheimer's."
We repeat our earlier prediction, that nothing very
substantive will come from this conference . . . but
there are still a few days till the close on August 3.
Who knows? Spiritual lightning might strike . . .
not particularly likely, but possible.
The definition of "Evangelical" seems to be
shifting just about every time it is used. It has most
certainly come a long way from Carl Henry's view
in his ground-breaking book, "The Uneasy
Conscience of Modern Fundamentalism." "The
evangelical task primarily is the preaching of the
Gospel in the interest of individual regeneration
by the supernatural grace of God in such a way
that divine redemption can be recognized as the
best solution of our problems, individual and
social." That is the way Christianity has always
differed from communism. Christianity changes the
man, who will in turn change society and environment.
Communism would change society and environment,
and expect a change in man to follow.
Both presidential candidates are seeking support
from the religious community. On August 16, Rick
Warren, co-founder of the Saddleback Church in
California, who was once heralded as the next leader
of America's Evangelicals -- will co-host a meeting
featuring both candidates McCain and Obama to
discuss what Warren describes as the "main areas
of focus," AIDS, poverty, human rights and the
environment. That is what the Left is trying to make
us believe, that this is the new Evangelical agenda,
while issues such as life, marriage and family, and
religious freedom have been set aside.
This is, of course, the opposite of what Carl Henry
foresaw as the Evangelical task.
A word of warning to think about: "A warning
should sound when it seems the Church ought to
have massive clout in our society, but sadly lacks
it when push comes to shove. With our millions of
professed believers we can't even outlaw the
killing of the unborn. Something is radically wrong."
-- Ray Comfort in "Revival's Golden Key":
Some Random Afterthoughts . . .
The greatest speeches of the 20th and 21st
centuries were compiled by a team of reporters of
the London Telegraph . . . from the top 25, here
are choices 1-5, with a phrase from each to help
you remember the speech.
(1) Winston Churchill, Aug. 20, 1940: "Never in
the field of human conflict was so much owed by
so many to so few."
(2) John F. Kennedy, June 26, 1963: "Freedom
has many difficulties and democracy is not perfect.
But we have never had to put up a wall to keep
our people in."
(3) Ronald Reagan, June 12, 1987: "Mr. Gorbachev,
tear down this wall."
(4) Nelson Mandela, May 10, 1994: "Never again
shall this beautiful land again experience the
oppression of one by another."
(5) Franklin D. Roosevelt, Mar. 4, 1933: "The only
thing we have to fear is fear itself."
The "Global Warming" theory; it's still with us,
even if comments and reports about it are getting to
be more silly and bordering on the ridiculous. Al Gore
says we have ten years left -- whatever that means.
We're told that the present cooling is due to global
warming. We're told that more rain and flooding and
less rain and drought are both due to global warming.
Although global temperatures declined as much in the
first few months of 2008 as they increased in the
previous more than 100 years -- that is said to be
due to global warming.
By way of summary, and application to our time,
Paul Driessen, writing in Townhall.com said it well:
"Climate change is no longer science. It's politics.
Climate change is also about power. Power to
control. It's about who gets to decide how much
energy we will have, where that energy will come
from... So hold onto your wallets, and hope you
can hold onto your homes, cars and jobs. You're
about to be put on a wild political roller coaster."
Two interesting -- and significant -- polls: (1)
From New Zealand where the Bible Society found
that while 68% of New Zealanders own a Bible,
only 23% read it as often as once a month. One
reason: "Communication is getting short and
sharp... People would rather plug in their iPod in
their ears than open up a Bible." And (2) a global
survey conducted from Germany (21,000 persons
world-wide) found that 85% of teens are "religious,"
with 44% "deeply religious." But among non-European
protestants the "deeply religious" percentage was 80%,
whereas among European protestants that number
plummeted to 7%. And among industrialized nations,
the US presented an interesting result: 57% say they
pray daily.
You sometimes hear the strangest things: like
Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D, Nev) saying
in a Judiciary Committee hearing, "I am here to tell
you that polygamist communities in the United
States are a form of organized crime. The most
obvious crime being committed in these
communities is bigamy, child abuse -- teen and
pre-teen girls are forced to marry older men and
bear their children." Reid happens to be a Mormon
himself so being this frank is a bit on the unusual side.
Makes sense! "As the hypnotic mantra of
"change" is repeated endlessly, few people even
raise the question of whether what few specifics
we hear represent any real change, much less a
change for the better." - Thomas Sowell, 07/15/08
# posted by JB, who writes American News Commentary @ 6:55 PM


In last week's issue we recalled the four basic
tenets of Jerry Falwell's Moral Majority (pro-life,
pro-family, pro-defense and pro-Israel) and we
discussed the first: pro-life -- or expressed another
way: anti-abortion. This week we move on to the
second: pro-family.
Looking ahead to this Fall's election, Barack
Obama has already made his pro-abortion stand an
important point, describing it as a "critical issue in
this election," earning for him the endorsement of
Planned Parenthood. His pledge, "I will never back
down" in support of abortion rights makes it clear
where the Democrat party stands on this moral issue.
Obama's stand on the homosexual issue is equally
clear, not only that he "will not yield" on such a
"fundamental issue" as abortion, but has stated
that the first thing he would do as president would
be to sign the Freedom of Choice Act, which
would codify abortion-on-demand as the law of the
land, and affirms "I support the complete repeal
of the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA)."
In a letter to LGBT (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual,
Trans-sexual) supporters he said "I am proud to
join with and support the LGBT community ...
that is why I support extending fully equal rights
and benefits to same-sex couples," and added,
"I oppose the divisive and discriminatory efforts
to amend the California constitution."
Thus the Obama/Democrat position is perfectly
clear -- pro-homosexual and anti-family. And what
is the McCain/Republican viewpoint? Equally clear
and definite. In a nationally televised debate with the
lesbian entertainer, Ellen DeGeneres, John McCain
said firmly, "I just believe in the unique status of
marriage between a man and a woman." Period.
End of quote. And on the present effort to amend
the California constitution to protect traditional
marriage and the family? McCain said, "I support
the efforts of the people of California to
recognize marriage as a unique institution
between a man and a woman." No grandiose
pledges -- just clear, simple statements of belief.
And what is the bottom line for Christians? Based
on the positions of the candidates on these first two
tenets of the Moral Majority there really is no debate.
The Conservative, Evangelical position is perfectly
clear -- Hillary Clinton's much-feared "vast right
wing conspiracy" is alive and well, and has a strong
advocate in John McCain.
For the Christian view, looking ahead to the California
vote (see below) Roman Catholic bishops in the state
have issued a firm statement, including the definition
that marriage "has a unique place in God's creation,
joining a man and a woman in a committed
relationship," and added, "The meaning of marriage
is deeply rooted in history and culture and has been
shaped considerably by Christian tradition."
For those who look to the Bible for guidance, there is
Genesis 1:27-28, where from the beginning of time
God's word has stood, "So God created man ... in
the image of God created he him, male and female
created he them, and God blessed them, and God
said unto them, be fruitful and multiply." And in
Matthew 19:4-5, Jesus said, "Have ye not read that
he which made them at the beginning made them
male and female ... for this cause shall a man leave
father and mother and shall cleave to his wife ..."
Not exactly a debatable or arguable point of view.
The California Supreme Court last week rejected
by a unanimous vote a lawsuit by militant homosexual
activists seeking to remove the pro-family amendment
to the state constitution from the November ballot. It
will be remembered that in 2000, California voters
by a 61.4% majority enacted Proposition 22 which
defined marriage as between a man and a woman.
More recently a liberal state court ruled that same-sex
marriage should be made legal in California, and now
Gov. Schwarzeneger is seeing his predicted financial
boom in homosexual marriages. Huge numbers of
California voters signed petitions to put a constitutional
amendment before voters in the November election,
and the attempt to remove it from the ballot has now
failed. So the major emphasis of the Liberal same-sex
marriage movement is now sharply focused on
California -- the state where San Francisco mayor
Gavin Newsom is encouraging the naming of the city
sewage treatment plant after George W. Bush.
And the Anglican Lambeth Conference moves
slowly and deliberately along, after a few days of
"spiritual retreat," and has now progressed into what
may prove to be two weeks of indaba -- or talking,
listening and never coming to any definite conclusion.
That, at least, is the view of the Most. Rev. Dr.
Katharine Jefferts Schori, presiding bishop of the
American Episcopal Church, casually referred to
as "TEC," who this past week said this Conference
would avoid taking any binding votes. On the subject
of TEC's openly homosexual bishop, she said, " The
reality is that the Bishop of New Hampshire is
not the only gay bishop in the Anglican Communion,
or the only gay partnered bishop in the Anglican
Communion. He's the only one who's open about
it." Quite amazing, this admission of dishonesty and
deceit at the highest levels of the Anglican Communion.
The American Episcopal Church (TEC) is a minuscule
member of the world-wide Anglican Communion,
representing just over 2% of the total membership, but
at Lambeth is speaking "with gusto" on many issues,
including lobbying for Bishop Robinson to participate
in the discussions. Bishop Schori says that she prays
"for a church that is clear about its mission ...
the mission is about feeding the hungry and seeing
that children can go to school, and building justice
in the communities in which we serve." A sharply
different mission from Jesus' Great Commission to go
into all the world and preach and teach all people.
With the initial devotionals over, the bishops will get
down to indaba, to talk and listen, and avoid making
any real decisions. This will continue until August 3.
On Monday the Archbishop and Primate of the
Episcopal Church of the Sudan, the Most Rev. Dr.
Daniel Bul, made the clearest orthodox statement yet,
"We reject homosexual practice as contrary to
biblical teaching ... we oppose consecrating a
practicing homosexual as bishop, and approving
a rite for the blessing of same-sex relationships."
On Tuesday he called for Bishop Robinson to resign.
The July 18 issue of The Independent, of London,
had this comment: "The church in England and the
world could yet be reborn. Or the future could
look like this. It's 2018, and the Lambeth
Conference is held in the student union bar,
attended by a dozen bishops and a cleaner."
And a classic "Oxymoron" from the Lambeth
Conference, by a speaker at a Gay and Lesbian rally,
Richard Kirker, who heads an organization called --
yes, this is the group's real name -- "The Lesbian
and Gay Christian Movement" (LGCM)
More trouble looming at the UN. The OIC
(Organization of Islamic Conference) is urging
the UN to enact anti-discrimination laws that
would ultimately be a "declaration of war against
Christianity." The new laws would affect the
definition of freedom of expression which would
empower politically correct courts and tribunals to
criminalize any speaking out against Islam. Even the
US Congress is looking into this proposed action,
and it is something that requires our close attention.
A timely, very applicable quote: "Our Founding
Fathers feared judicial tyranny and intentionally
created the judiciary ... to be the 'least dangerous'
branch of government. But as the decades went by
the courts assumed more and more power ...
suddenly prayer was banned in our public schools.
Abortion-on-demand became the law of the land.
Now we are even in the unbelievable position of
having to defend the meaning of marriage from
the over-educated, hyper-partisan ideologues in
black robes who are masquerading as judges."
-- Gary Bauer, "End of Day," July 18, 2008
Some Random Afterthoughts . . .
The atheist view: Religion is "violent, irrational,
intolerant, allied to racism, tribalism, and
bigotry, invested in ignorance and hostile to free
inquiry, contemptuous of women and coercive
toward children." That is from the book, "God is
Not Great: Why Religion Poisons Everything," the
current NY Times No. 1 bestseller by journalist
Christopher Hitchens. This fall Mr. Hitchens will
offer another anti-God publication, "The Pocket
Atheist," which will feature writings by famous (or
infamous) atheists. Dennis Prager, a popular Jewish
columnist sees three principal reasons for these overt
attacks on religion: (1) the evil done by people who
claim to believe in God -- most notably Islamists; (2)
Atheism teachings in our schools; (3) the failure of
the church to take a strong stand against the forces
of atheism. Prager is right on this, as he so often is.
We must face the fact that atheism is still an active
force, and is not going to simply fade away.
A self-explanatory news item:
"Dr. Dobson's Radio Program Wins Spot
in National Radio Hall of Fame
The Focus on the Family radio program has been
inducted into the National Radio Hall of Fame,
joining such historic programs as Your Hit Parade,
The Shadow, Little Orphan Annie, and Orson
Welles' famous Mercury Theater." Dobson, a
prominent Christian psychologist, made other
headlines this week -- after saying he could never
vote for John McCain, he has now almost out-
flip-flopped Obama, and indicated that he may be
close to endorsing McCain. In the words of Winston
Churchill: "Never give up."
Someone should tell Al Gore: The American
Physical Society, representing nearly 50,000
physicists, has reversed its stand on climate change,
and now says that many of its members disbelieve
the theory of human-induced global warming. The
leadership of the society previously declared the
evidence for global warming was"incontrovertible."
A concluding word from a Founding Father: "It
does not require a majority to prevail, but rather
an irate, tireless minority keen to set brush fires
in people's minds." -- Samuel Adams, 1772
# posted by JB, who writes American News Commentary @ 6:11 PM


In 1979 the late Jerry Falwell founded a political
organization called "Moral Majority." The group
was founded on 4 basic tenets: (1) pro-family,
(2) pro-life, (3) pro-defense and (4) pro-Israel.
It was his conviction that the church had not only
a right but a responsibility to make its voice heard
on political issues of a moral nature. Moral Majority
is credited with achieving Ronald Reagan's sweeping
victory in the presidential election of 1980. Based on
that background we feel free to comment on the
present political conflict from a Christian standpoint.
Traditionally, the "Pro Life" position has been one
of the hallmarks of the so-called "Religious Right"
-- the Conservatives, the Evangelicals, termed by
Hillary Clinton as a "vast right-wing conspiracy
-- and has been the position included in the moral
values advocated by the Republicans, along with
the defense of traditional Christian marriage as a
covenant between a man and a woman.
Barack Hussein Obama, presumptive Democrat
candidate for president, has made it clear that
abortion will be what he describes as "a critical
issue in this election." Just last week Obama
said "I was proud to get Planned Parenthood's
endorsement," (July 9) and added, "I will never
back down in making sure that women have
their reproduction rights (abortion) here in this
country. That's what's at stake in this election."
Offering a contrary, Christian view, Rev. Patrick J.
Mahoney, Director of the Christian Defense
Coalition, showed up last week at Obama's
Washington offices with a sign labeling the Senator
as "The Abortion President." Obama is making
strong efforts to reach out to the nation's Evangelicals,
and even has an ad running on some Christian radio
stations including his religious rhetoric, such as: "I
submitted myself to His will, and dedicated
myself to discovering His truth." However,
according to Steven Waldman, Editor-in-Chief of
Beliefnet, "Evangelicals including young
ones, do care about abortion, and they don't
like his position on it." Waldman adds that 62%
of white Evangelicals are "anti-abortion."
There was a time when the Ten Commandments of
God (including Thou shalt not kill), were decisive
factors in decisions like the choice of a president.
We can hope that the killing of more than 40 million
babies since the court's Roe v. Wade decision will
not be ignored in this year's election. However,
Obama has expressed his conviction that religious
Conservatives must accept the fact that America has
evolved, as he recently stated, "Whatever we once
were, we're no longer just a Christian nation ..."
Whether the late rush to use traditional Evangelical
language after twenty years of the racial hatred
preaching of Jeremiah Wright will deceive American
Christians remains a question to be resolved on
November 4. Julian Krasta, writing in the Townhall
Blog, Novus Ordo Seclorum (title taken from the
Great Seal of the United States) summarizes his
opinion: "Obama requires a daily diet of total
compliance and idolization. His word salads are
a gross national product of cants and fantasies,
and is devoted to injecting chaos into the jellied
minds of people that play into his fantasies. He
has successfully accomplished this because his
is a cocktail personality, meaning: He senses
other people's vulnerabilities, he reads their
personalities, and performs accordingly. It is
the classic sign of a sociopath." (July 7, 2008)
They're getting desperate over the Biblical view
of homosexuality as a sin in God's eyes. Bradley
LaShawn Fowler, a homosexual, now claims that
his constitutional rights were infringed upon by
Zondervan Publishing Co, and Thomas Nelson
Publishing who publish bibles containing God's
opposition to homosexuality. Fowler's lawsuit
seeks $70 million damages from the two publishing
houses.. One very credible viewpoint is that Fowler
should have filed his suit against God who is the
author of the Scriptures being challenged. It appears
to be the traditional error of attacking the messenger
rather than the message. As far as we know, the
ACLU has not yet weighed in on the issue.
Simply because of its importance as the third
largest religious group on earth (after the Roman
Catholic and Orthodox churches), the Lambeth
Conference of the world-wide Anglican Communion
-- now in session, even as we write -- merits our
consideration. The prime object of the once-every-
decade conference is to prevent or at least delay
what appears to be an inevitable schism in the
Communion, brought on by the growth of
homosexuality within the church, highlighted by the
consecration of an openly practicing homosexual
bishop in New Hampshire, and by the recent move
toward the ordination of women bishops in the
Church of England. We will discuss Lambeth in next
week's issue, but if a forward looking prediction
could be permitted, it would be that not much of a
definitive nature will be achieved at Lambeth this year.
The term, Indaba, has been suggested as the rule
at Lambeth. Indaba is officially defined by the
Conference as being a Zulu word meaning "a
gathering for purposeful discussion ... and offers
a way of listening to one another concerning
challenges that face the Anglican Communion."
It has been noted that the use of such a word should
make the African bishops feel right at home -- except
more than one-in-four of the 880 Anglican bishops
are boycotting the Lambeth Conference and will in
fact be staying at home.
An interesting comparison from Cheri Jacobus,
writing in The Loft, "From the time Barack Obama
was sworn in as a United States Senator, to the
time he announced he was forming a Presidential
Exploratory Committee, he logged 143 days of
experience in the Senate... After 143 days of work
experience, Obama believed he was ready to be
Commander-in-Chief, Leader of the Free World
and fill the shoes of Abraham Lincoln, FDR, JFK
and Ronald Reagan... In contrast, John McCain's
26 years in Congress, 22 years of military service,
including 1,966 days in captivity as a POW in
Hanoi, now seem more impressive than ever."
Regardless of current rhetoric, the statements
of our Founding Fathers have real meaning today:
"It is a very great mistake to imagine that the
object of loyalty is the authority and interest of
one individual man, however dignified by the
applause or enriched by the success of popular
actions. If ever a time should come, when vain
and aspiring men shall possess the highest seats
in Government, our country will stand in need
of its experienced patriots to prevent its ruin."
-- Samuel Adams, 1772
Some Random Afterthoughts . . .
These came our way this week, with no religious
application, but interesting: (1) "Did you know that
studies show the No. 1 factor for success is
communication skills?" Could this relate to the
US presidency? (2) Sign outside a drug store:
"Minute Clinic. You're sick; we're quick." Quite
a change from the days when doctors made house
calls. (Yes, Youth of America -- it's true; doctors
used to come to our houses to treat us.) (3) In a
stunning new poll from Rasmussen Reports ..."just
9 percent of those polled gave federal lawmakers
a thumbs up." (President Bush's approval rating at
only 30% makes him downright popular compared
to Congress' abysmal approval rating of 9%)
An ad that reads like a sermon: This ad for a new
book appeared on the Internet this past week. It is
worth re-reading: "For most Americans, the Bible
is a source of divine inspiration, moral guidance,
and the foundation of Western civilization. But
for an influential group of academic, government
and media elites, it is the source of most of the
evil in the world today... The critics say the
Bible is full of fables masquerading as history,
and that it has regularly incited people to
violence and immorality. But fear not: in 'The
Politically Incorrect Guide to the Bible,' award-
winning journalist Robert J. Hutchinson turns
the latest historical scholarship against the
mockers, skeptics and deniers to show that not
only is the Bible true -- but it is also the source of
Western ideas of charity, justice, reason, science
and democracy." One might also point out that the
Bible is also the source of God's way of salvation.
We sometimes think Britain is slow to act - but
not in this instance. Britain's government ministers
are scheduled to build eight new nuclear power plants
across England within the next ten years. New laws
governing the planning will be used in gaining the
necessary approval for the plants which Gordon
Brown, the Prime Minister, believes are crucial in
reducing Britain's dependence on fossil fuels. At the
G-8 conference in Japan last week, Mr Brown
spoke of the need for 1,000 new nuclear power
plants across the world in the next century. So much
for Britain being out of date, and slow to act.
A message from yesterday for today and for
tomorrow: "You and I have a rendezvous with
destiny. We will preserve for our children,
America, the last best hope of men on earth,
or we will sentence them to take the first step
into a thousand years of darkness. If we fail,
at least let our children and our children's
children say of us we justified our brief moment
here. We did all that could be done." -- Ronald
Reagan, 1964
# posted by JB, who writes American News Commentary @ 11:13 AM


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